07895 069160

About Dorn
A gentle and safe therapy for back, neck and joint pain
Learn more about Dorn

"It's amazing! I feel like my head is straighter and that I am walking better too! More please!!"
J. Payne Northampton

What is “The Dorn Method”?
The Dorn Method is a manual complementary therapy discovered by Dieter Dorn around 40 years ago. Dorn is a manual complemenary therapy that is used to address back, neck and joint pain. Today Dorn is gradually spreading throughout the world. It is widely used in Germany, where it originated and has been here in the UK for around 10years.
The Therapy is very gentle and safe and aims to realign the spine and other
joints into their correct positions. Dorn uses the dynamic movement of the
client working together with the therapist who uses gentle thumb or hand
pressure to ease joints back into place. This approach is unique and does
not cause undue stress to the client’s soft tissues or joints. Unlike other
therapies which employ manipulation, there are no sudden jerky
movements, crunching or clicking that some clients dislike.
Your Dorn Method session usually finishes with a “Breuss” massage. Unlike
conventional massage, this massage is carried out along the spine. This
complements the corrections performed previously and helps to relax,
nourish and invigorate the spine.
Bowen Technique and Dorn Method in combination
For some clients, it has been found that using both Bowen and Dorn in the
same treatment session is a very effective combination. Clients with back and neck
problems and issues like sciatica, for example, seem to respond very well and
usually quite quickly when treated with these two therapies. Bowen moves
are done first then followed by the appropriate Dorn moves.
Bowen is very effective for helping muscles, tendons and fascia to relax and
soften thus allowing any misaligned vertebrae to slip easily back into place
using the gentle corrections of Dorn. All the usual after care advice is the same
and in particular, it is recommended to take it easy for a few days and not do
any sport or over exert oneself.
A session using this combination of therapies takes a little longer, allow approximately
1.5 hours . For pricing, click here.
For Dorn FAQs, click here. Read a DORN article
To book your Dorn appointment, contact me today.
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